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The Heart

As a Reiki practitioner I have often thought of how much good I am able to bring into the world. And I have learned that it is all in your intentions and what comes from your heart. The heart is an important organ in our body, but it is also a very powerful energetic source for us. As I began my studies in energy healing, I was always insecure about “how good” I was at healing or if I was even making a difference in my clients life. Then I realized that as long as my intention to do good was there and I was genuinely in the present moment, then the healing would happen. But most importantly I learned that it starts in my heart. So every morning I start the day with this Prayer: “I am surrounded by a sphere of Light, that emanates from my heart center and radiates into the world. Only Love, Abundance, perfect health, perfect wealth, perfect weight are attracted to and permeate that Light. I am shielded and …

Win a Free Spot in Spectrum 2014

Originally posted on SHAMANA FLORA:
A Visual Journaling Experience celebrating your Art~Body~Nature! Spectrum is a collective of 30+ holistic-minded artists, healers and visionaries coming together to offer a 10 month online workshop headed up by the wonderfully creative Hali Karla. This workshop is devoted to awakening, exploring, deepening & celebrating the innate wisdom within YOU and it all starts March 1st!! Whether you are just beginning a visual or art journal practice, or looking to enhance and spark a seasoned one, Spectrum is for anyone interested in the holistic creative connection between mind~body~soul~spirit. This journey is about connecting with BODY as guide and ally, ART as an intuitive, expressive oracle and NATURE as provider of love, lesson, abundance and belonging. Spectrum is for any woman interested in enhancing intuition, strengthening courage, celebrating wholeness & diversity, widening perspective, developing deeper relationships, and who wants to offer her own gifts to the world, guided by personal awareness and creative living… and that’s not afraid to get her hands in and PLAY! Each months workshop has multimedia lessons,…

Northeast Texas Juniper Berries

This time of year the landscape explodes with an abundance of gorgeous blue Juniper Berries! They have been calling to me and I decided to harvest some and create some herbal goodies!! Here’s what I’ve made so far! Juniper Berry infused Sweet Almond Oil Juniper Berry Salve Juniper Berry and Bergamot Sugar Scrub Juniper Berry, Sweet Orange and Shea Butter Lotion Bars Juniper Berry Tincture I’ve sent out samples to friends to get the reviews before I put them in my etsy shop! It has been such a remarkable experience! In my wanderings through the woods I have seen many old, old Juniper trees that are absolutely amazing! Here are a few photos from my time with Juniper Tree Medicine. Enjoy!!