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Horse Medicine, Freedom


“Freedon, 2010

pixie campbell



Horse flies over fences, combininb the groundedness of Earth, with the lofty dreams of the Sky realms. His mane and tail catch the breeze as if driven by magical wind. The untamed spirit of Horse can be civilized when it chooses, buy most often can be found embracing the wild ride like no other totem. Horse is a vehicle and a trusty travelinf companion when one is called to go a great distance. Guided in the moment, by movement itself. Horse inspires the stamina needed to run away from danger and into power. Whhere negative thougts or obstacles present,leap over them on the back of Horse, and hang on for the thrill of possibility which lies over the mountain.”

I found the message of Horse so inspiring and empowering! What a beautiful and magnificant animal totem! 

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I am a creature of the universe! Presently enjoying life in a comfortable home with an amazing husband, five beautiful children and a grand array of pets. Creating art has always been a part of who I am. I see art as my nuturing connection to the universe. My hope is to share my experiences as a Reiki Practitioner, novice herbalist and the peace of living in the moment.

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