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Homemade Herbals

Wonderful Discovery! I always LOVE learning new things from different sources!

Wild Weed Wisdom

Homemade Herbals

I make most of the family’s medicine, customizing what I feel each member needs. Leah had a lot of congestion and mucus, so her tincture included chickweed, plus burdock for overall health (blood, liver, especially). Anika got burdock and dandelion as a winter tonic. You can see both girls signed their name to the “mother jar” of tincture – they felt pretty special that Mommy was custom-making something for each of them (plus I like the idea of their energy engaged as part of the formula). The teasel root tincture is for me – it is often used for Lyme’s Disease, but I was using it to help repair muscle tissue in my shoulders… which is greatly improved – and a surprise benefit was a better menstruation – non-painful, light flow, short duration (I used to get periods so painful, I’d faint. The flow was heavy and lasted…

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I am a creature of the universe! Presently enjoying life in a comfortable home with an amazing husband, five beautiful children and a grand array of pets. Creating art has always been a part of who I am. I see art as my nuturing connection to the universe. My hope is to share my experiences as a Reiki Practitioner, novice herbalist and the peace of living in the moment.

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