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Daily Message


“Call of the Wild, 2010.

pixie campbell



Wolf answers when called. No questions asked. Leaves fear behind. Lifts strong paws and pads lightly across the earth, nose to the ground, fur up on neck, ears up, and bright eyes leading the way.”

I enjoy drawing one card everyday from a beautiful animal totem card deck created by Pixie Campbell. Each card is a beautiful work of art and includes an inspirational messages that always resonates with me for that day. It’s amazing to discover the many beautiful ways that the universe communicates with us.

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I am a creature of the universe! Presently enjoying life in a comfortable home with an amazing husband, five beautiful children and a grand array of pets. Creating art has always been a part of who I am. I see art as my nuturing connection to the universe. My hope is to share my experiences as a Reiki Practitioner, novice herbalist and the peace of living in the moment.

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