Month: March 2013

Horse Medicine, Freedom

“Freedon, 2010 pixie campbell Horse flies over fences, combininb the groundedness of Earth, with the lofty dreams of the Sky realms. His mane and tail catch the breeze as if driven by magical wind. The untamed spirit of Horse can be civilized when it chooses, buy most often can be found embracing the wild ride like no other totem. Horse is a vehicle and a trusty travelinf companion when one is called to go a great distance. Guided in the moment, by movement itself. Horse inspires the stamina needed to run away from danger and into power. Whhere negative thougts or obstacles present,leap over them on the back of Horse, and hang on for the thrill of possibility which lies over the mountain.” I found the message of Horse so inspiring and empowering! What a beautiful and magnificant animal totem! 

Barn Owl Medicine, Spirit

      Spirit, 2010   Pixie Campbell   This peaceful creature is wintering away in a calm trance, a sitting prayer of silence and deep connection. Owl wakes us up to the truth, and then cuddles us in his downy feathers to enjoy the dreamlike nature of quiet honesty. Open your heart wide, as Barn Owl’s heart-shaped face invites and discover yourself without limits. Then sleep on it.

Full Moon inspiration!

Full Moon: Libra/Venus Bath Soak A lot of Moon happenings are going on right now! The first KV Full Moon report is live so check out your individual signs and the moon ceremony I created over there, as well as the beautiful art from Laura and a releasing ritual from Katelyn!I wanted to do something a little bit different over here. Something more gentle embracing the Goddess Venus as her sign, Libra, is  ruling the Full Moon this month. Taking a ritual bath is a really great way to embrace Lunar qualities, help to release stresses and anything blocking our energy, and get in touch with Venus and our body. I created this recipe that I call Love Soak: (I just filled my container and not necessarily any measurement) 3/4 Organic sea salt A handful of pink Himalayan salt Handful dried rose petals Handful dried lavender buds 4-5 petals of dry pink hibiscus 6 drops Ylang Ylang oil 6 drops Geranium oil 1-2 drops vanilla essential oil And mix altogether! I loooooove the smell of this. As it settles, the aroma is just divine. The …

Makes you stronger

My daily inspiration today was Coyote!  “Make you stronger, 2010 pixie campbell Coyote .travels the rough terrain, establishing territories everywhere. He learns his lessons the hard way, keeping a sense of humor about him as he goes. He turns rigid thinking upside down, preferring to keep it light, while adapting in order to survivie. He is a humble teacher, a blissed out fool, an accidental genius. His song carries over mountaintops to find his kind. He is persistent, enduring and prolific. There is nothing he can’t do, nowhere he won’t go. He is fearless. Coyote outlasts bad weather, yipping contentedly through his long days and many journeys.” Check out Pixie’s etsy shop! She has her pack of animal medicine totem card in her shop!!

Bear Medicine

Daily message for Sunday, March 24th was the Polar Bear. Again, exquisite painting by Pixie Campbell! I absolutely love this message and it resonates deeply in my heart! “Bear, 2010 pixie campbell Bear is associated with Spring. It represents emerging after the soul’s hibernation from a season spent mining the deep dens of oneself, taking time to heal, accessing energy reserves and awakening creative potential. They teach us how to move slowly and powerfully, to thrive and to mother ourselves. This is importannt medicine for those attempting to summon inordinate amounts of energy to go beyond self-imposed limits. Bear is used to source primal strength needed for big projects, but also they provid us patience and sweetness for our big journey.”

Homemade Herbals

Originally posted on Wild Weed Wisdom:
I make most of the family’s medicine, customizing what I feel each member needs. Leah had a lot of congestion and mucus, so her tincture included chickweed, plus burdock for overall health (blood, liver, especially). Anika got burdock and dandelion as a winter tonic. You can see both girls signed their name to the “mother jar” of tincture – they felt pretty special that Mommy was custom-making something for each of them (plus I like the idea of their energy engaged as part of the formula). The teasel root tincture is for me – it is often used for Lyme’s Disease, but I was using it to help repair muscle tissue in my shoulders… which is greatly improved – and a surprise benefit was a better menstruation – non-painful, light flow, short duration (I used to get periods so painful, I’d faint. The flow was heavy and lasted, sometimes, for 10 days.) I cannot for sure say if this can all be attributed to teasel, or to osteopathy, which…

Daily Message

“Call of the Wild, 2010. pixie campbell Wolf answers when called. No questions asked. Leaves fear behind. Lifts strong paws and pads lightly across the earth, nose to the ground, fur up on neck, ears up, and bright eyes leading the way.” I enjoy drawing one card everyday from a beautiful animal totem card deck created by Pixie Campbell. Each card is a beautiful work of art and includes an inspirational messages that always resonates with me for that day. It’s amazing to discover the many beautiful ways that the universe communicates with us.


  “…This piece is about life altering transformation and the integration of the light that emerges after exploring the darkness within.” Pixie Campbell, 2011   “Transformation, 2011. pixie campbell Butterfly is shown perched, wings fully open, on a building known for it’s batlike qualities. This piece is aboutlife altering transfrmation and the integration of the light that emerges after exploring the darkness within. Butterfly medicine is about finding oneself practically liquefied as changes that often defy logic are occuring within. While the outer skin seems the same as it always was to onlookers, inside of the caterpillar, a new skin is growing. There is bery little movement while the transformation is taking place. One might feel as though everything around her is moving in slow-motion, while sensitivities are sharpening. When metamorphosis is complete and the golden chrysalis falls away, the adult Butterfly emerges and sits still to allow her delicate wings to harden and the magic to assimilate. Once she feels her strenght return, nothing will stop her from experiencing the beautiful flowers …